Supporting compassionate journeys through the storms of Life

Personal Development
Clinical Supervision

The metaphor of crossing over is an ancient one mentioned in spiritual texts that speak of going on to the other shore, of being awakened from suffering. At Brave Crossing, psychotherapy is offered as a means to help people alleviate suffering through awareness, understanding, and reclaiming the personal agency needed to actualise our aspirations. 

Psychotherapy is a collaborative effort between client and therapist, that can help us stay afloat while on the arduous journey of discovering our own strengths and abilities, making mindful choices, and taking purposeful actions toward our goals.

These are areas of work that Lawrence (gay, he/him) has naturally drawn closer to over the years:

Persons who experienced trauma

Traumatic experiences during a person's formative years can have wide ranging impacts on mental health that pervade adulthood.

Queer persons, i.e., LGBTQIA+ identified persons, and their loved ones

Queer persons face ongoing stressors, often lacking familial and social support.  There is a dearth of open and affirmative spaces. Even within professional settings it is not easy to find queer identified therapists or allies.

Couples and families

Intimate relationships and familial relationships are a significant factor contributing to a person's mental wellness. When instability rocks the home, it can affect multiple parties.

One can see how these aspects often intertwine: self identity, adverse experiences, and close relationships. 

Thank yourself for visiting, even if you have not decided whether to engage in therapy. Allow the seed of curiosity to germinate on its own, and when the conditions are ripe we shall meet.